We are excited to share with you our honest and thorough reviews of Ton Kooiman Thumb Rests. As a leading provider of thumb rests for musicians, we are dedicated to enhancing the playing experience of those who use their products. We have tested and examined their thumb rests to help you make an informed decision when purchasing a new one. We hope our reviews will assist you in finding the perfect thumb rest for your instrument, and improve your playing experience.
Beste Ton, ik heb de Etude ontvangen en direct op mijn klarinet gemonteerd. Ik ben heel erg enthousiast, de steun is veel steviger en voelt ook veel prettiger aan door het rubberen polster. Het is ook fijn dat hij beweegbaar is. Al met al ben ik onder de indruk van zowel het product en niet in de laatste plaats, in de uitmuntende service!!!
Dear Ton, I hope this note finds you well. A few words of praise for your Etude Thumb Rest. I am a 58 year old just beginning Clarinet and have arthritis in my upper thumb joint ( the first joint right under the thumb nail ). After 15 minutes of practice that joint on my right thumb gets swollen and develops a painful and highly visual bump. I have tried pads and other thumb rests but they do not help and the only relief is to stop playing for 2-3 days until the bump has gone down. I was on my 2nd day of down time when the Etude Thumb Rest arrived. As I put down my Clarinet to write this note I have now been playing 2 days with a total of 6hrs practice time and there is no swelling or bump at all! I am now supporting the weight with my hand not just the end of my thumb what a relief. My whole hand is more relaxed and I am no longer doubtful that I can continue my Clarinet playing. The Etude is an excellent invention! I can’t wait to see what other things you have under development. Thank you very much.
Look, as an older new clarinet student, I found the Etude ( a hook to rest the clarinet on my thumb with no pain on the rest of my arm as it happened when I started last year and my local teacher said when I complained: it hurts!. He said: Oh, I just had forgotten that in the beginning it really hurts!). So, fortunately, I discovered the Etude. I sound like a TV show, but this was so for me. I believe that many musicians to be, face a stage of body pain: guitarist the tip of the fingers, clarinetist, the elbow and forearm, harmonicist, lips, and tongue. Etc. (Those are my lifetime three instruments I have attempted to learn). So, the ETUDE, solves for clarinet pain.
Thank you very much for sending two new Etude Thumb Rests. I’m very happy with them. They are a great help to me. I can only recommend them to other players! Thank you again for this great service.
Dear Ton, I have received the thumb rest. I have used it for about two weeks. So far I am impressed. I have much less fatigue in my right hand. I just finished four 2 1/2 hour recording sessions without any right-hand fatigue! other flutists were very curious about this product. I will forward your e-mail address to them if it is OK. Again, thank you for sending this product. I will put in a good word to other flutists in the area.
Dear Ton, Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my letter. I cannot tell you what a difference your thumb rest has made for my playing!
Johan van der Linden
Hi Ton, Ik heb een hoofdstukje over jou duimsteun op mijn website gezet. Ik ben nog steeds zeer tevreden over de duimsteun.
Dear Mr. Kooiman, now that I have had an opportunity to use the new parts to your thumb rest, I think I can speak to its effectiveness. Both the new thumb “casing” and the padded thumb “plateau” provide a better “fit” for my hand. My hand “posture”
feels more natural. Making the clarinet feel more apart of the hand or an extension of. It is a definite improvement making it easier to “set-up” and get use to. Thank you very much!
Hallo Ton, begin maart hebt u twee duimsteunen op mijn instrumenten geplaatst. De aanpassing is zéér vlot verlopen. Telkens als ik in de les een hobo van een leerling bespeel (ter controle) weet en voel ik dat ik niet meer zonder die duimsteun kan.Mijn duim is niet genezen, volgende week volgt er zelfs een kleine operatieve ingreep. Maar tot hiertoe heb ik steeds zonder pijn kunnen spelen. Nogmaals mijn allerhartelijkste dank.
Stedelijk Muziekconservatorium Hasselt
I think like the thumb rests are great. They make a huge difference. Not just for finger technique, but for lifting
the clarinet into the embouchure. I couldn’t do that before; it’s a powerful thing for the clarinet tone.
I received the replacement Etude thumb rests yesterday, and I thank you for your prompt and efficient response. Your response exemplifies what good customer service should be. Thank you!
Dear Mr. Kooiman, I wrote to you a couple of years ago concerning my daughter, Sarah, who had severe tendon problems from playing the clarinet. After weeks of not playing, and having physical therapy, she began playing again, this time using your Maestro thumb rest. It has been wonderful, and we have had absolutely no problems since! We bought a second (Etude) for our spare clarinet, and now we have bought a third (Maestro) thumb rest for our newest R13 Buffet clarinet.
Hi Ton, thank you again for sending me the Prima Flute Thumb Rest. It is helping tremendously. I was also able to rehearse today for almost 2 hours with no discomfort in my thumb. It is enabling me to play my master’s recital with comfort instead of pain.
Thank you!
I have fitted a thumbrest to my clarinet. The result is amazing: it is now much easier to control my instrument (especially if I move between notes that are below and above the break) The right hand feels a bit odd (because of the “thicker” dimensions), but I am sure that within a few days I will not notice it any more. Thanks again for the thumbrests!
Dear Ton, I have bought your Etude thumb rest and it has solved all my problems! I just wished to have a try but I really didn’t believe it would had taken away all my difficulties. My congratulations!
I am well satisfied and find the maestro very comfortable. It didn’t really take very long to adjust it to suit my hand. If ever I find I can afford a new C clarinet, I’ll come back to you for another mounting plate.