
Thanks for the prompt reply, appreciated. I love the Forza!! I have arthritis in my right thumb (I am an old dude) and the Forza is a huge help. I was at first taken aback at the price, but when I received it, it was obvious that it is of high quality and carefully...

Marc Mommaas

Roberto (Roberto’s Winds NY) gave one of your thumb rests to Lee Konitz and he really likes it. He played last week in Birdland with it. He had a lot of trouble with his right thumb so he was very pleased with it. Marc Mommaas is a great Dutch sax player based...


I have been using your products for years and just recently completed my collection so that I now own the clarinet, flute and saxophone thumb rests. Your products have made such a difference in my playing as I am recovering from tendosynovitis and don’t know how...

Jason Schwager

My first saxophone was a soprano. I also play tenor and have installed Forza’s on all my ten of my horns. The great benefit to me of the Forza is that the designer, Ton Kooiman, is the only engineer who correctly identified the ergonomic problem and solved it....


Dear Ton, I’m a big fan of your thumbrests (1 Maestro and 2 Etudes for my clarinets, 2 Forza for my saxes). Before I discovered them I had many problems with my hand and arm, caused by tension and unergonimical original thumb rests. Kind regards and greetings...

Mike Hall

I first approached Ton Kooiman to ask if his clever clarinet thumb rests would work with the soprano saxophone. Like most soprano players I know, I have acute problems with pain in my right thumb and wrist; transferring the weight down to the joint of thumb and first...