
Dear Mr. Kooiman, I wrote to you a couple of years ago concerning my daughter, Sarah, who had severe tendon problems from playing the clarinet. After weeks of not playing, and having physical therapy, she began playing again, this time using your Maestro thumb rest....


Dear Ton, I have bought your Etude thumb rest and it has solved all my problems! I just wished to have a try but I really didn’t believe it would had taken away all my difficulties. My congratulations!

Saskia van Andel

Dag Ton, zo maar even mijn bevindingen. (na de drukte van een nieuwjaarsconcert gisterenavond nu weer even de tijd voor andere dingen): De etude speelt voor mij nog een stuk fijner. Op de één of andere manier hield ik altijd last van een wat bewegende klarinet tijdens...


Dear Ton, I’m a big fan of your thumbrests (1 Maestro and 2 Etudes for my clarinets, 2 Forza for my saxes). Before I discovered them I had many problems with my hand and arm, caused by tension and unergonimical original thumb rests. Kind regards and greetings...