
Your thumb rest literally saved my career and I’m so glad to continue to use it.

Helen Paskins

Dear Ton, I think that your thumb rests are a really great solution for clarinet playing. I have very small pinky fingers in proportion to the rest of my hand so playing with your thumb rest enables me to achieve a much better technique than would otherwise be...

Jacqueline Liversidge

I recently purchased your thumb rest after having quite some difficulty practicing for more than an hour at a time due to the pressure I was putting on my right little finger, and I would just like to express how amazing I think it is. It has fixed everything and I...

Stephen Caplan

I have used Kooiman thumb rests for several years now, and have been very pleased. Congratulations on your work Stephen Caplan Professor of Oboe at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and serves as Principal Oboist of the Las Vegas Philharmonic. He is a certified...


I have used a Kooiman thumb rest that I got for $30 from Forrests for several years now, and I can recommend it highly. What a relief over the original. I even tried a “Dutch Thumb Rest” that was a complete waste of money because it was hardly any better....