
Hallo Ton, begin maart hebt u twee duimsteunen op mijn instrumenten geplaatst. De aanpassing is zéér vlot verlopen. Telkens als ik in de les een hobo van een leerling bespeel (ter controle) weet en voel ik dat ik niet meer zonder die duimsteun kan.Mijn duim is niet...


I think like the thumb rests are great. They make a huge difference. Not just for finger technique, but for lifting the clarinet into the embouchure. I couldn’t do that before; it’s a powerful thing for the clarinet tone.


I received the replacement Etude thumb rests yesterday, and I thank you for your prompt and efficient response. Your response exemplifies what good customer service should be. Thank you!


Dear Mr. Kooiman, I wrote to you a couple of years ago concerning my daughter, Sarah, who had severe tendon problems from playing the clarinet. After weeks of not playing, and having physical therapy, she began playing again, this time using your Maestro thumb rest....


Hi Ton, thank you again for sending me the Prima Flute Thumb Rest. It is helping tremendously. I was also able to rehearse today for almost 2 hours with no discomfort in my thumb. It is enabling me to play my master’s recital with comfort instead of pain. Thank...