
Thank you very much for sending two new Etude Thumb Rests. I’m very happy with them. They are a great help to me. I can only recommend them to other players! Thank you again for this great service.


Dear Ton, I have received the thumb rest. I have used it for about two weeks. So far I am impressed. I have much less fatigue in my right hand. I just finished four 2 1/2 hour recording sessions without any right-hand fatigue! other flutists were very curious about...


Dear Ton, Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my letter. I cannot tell you what a difference your thumb rest has made for my playing!

Johan van der Linden

Hi Ton, Ik heb een hoofdstukje over jou duimsteun op mijn website gezet. Ik ben nog steeds zeer tevreden over de duimsteun. johanvanderlinden.nl


Dear Mr. Kooiman, now that I have had an opportunity to use the new parts to your thumb rest, I think I can speak to its effectiveness. Both the new thumb “casing” and the padded thumb “plateau” provide a better “fit” for my hand....